“I’m better than nothing, and nothing is better than this.”
Sometimes you just need to hit the road with friends you love and enjoy this electric thing we call "Life". Sometimes you have to do more than suffering in silence when you're down, missing friends or people who have gone too soon. Sometimes you have to sing your heart out, or just listen, willing to open the floodgate of emotions music can bubble up.
Such was the case on the night of March 18th, when Jonah Matranga played Hotel Cafe. We sang for Jon Bunch, sang for our own broken hearted memories, sang for each other. Jonah is definitely one of the biggest hearts in rock 'n' roll & that night the entire house wore their hearts on their sleeves.
Moments like this make me so happy to be alive in the moment, present to take these pictures. Love your friends, cherish those most important to you, because life is far too brief.